Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Some Specific Merits While Performing Hajj Pilgrimage

Every year, millions of Muslims will complete the fifth pillar of Islam and go to Mecca for Hajj. The pilgrims, guests of Allah, will get the benefits of fulfilling the worship with infinite merits. Hajj becomes the most important pillar of Islam for enhancing our faith. Meanwhile, the benefits of performing the obligation are seen through the verse of Quran.

Allah said in Surah Al Imran, verse 96: "The first house to be built for people is Mecca, a blessed place and source of guidance for all the inhabitants of the universe. There are obvious signs, and there is Ibrahim's place of prayer. Whoever enters in the place is safe. People are bound to make their pilgrimage success, for those who have the ability. As for those who deny, God does not need any of the inhabitants of the universe. "

The merit of Hajj obligation:
Here is some sort of Hajj obligation merits:

Pilgrims Are The Gust Of God
This could be unique hospitality that a pilgrimage becomes the gust of Allah. At one point our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said, pilgrims are the gust of God if they invoke Him, Allah answers them, and if they implore Him, Allah fulfils their desires.

Hajj Become The Most Critical Worship
Hajj is the mandatory obligation of Islam that a person must be fulfilled once in a blue moon. At one point Abu Hurayra reports that one day the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked what the best supernatural ability to fulfil in Islam was. He (PBUH) reply to have a strong belief in Allah. Then they asked what work came after that one, and he replied: "Go to jihad for the cause of God." It was asked again what work came after, and he replied: "Accomplish an agreed pilgrimage that is Hajj.

Purifier All Sins
The hajj pilgrimage can purify all the human sins, and a person is just like a newborn baby.
Abu Hurayra reports that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Whoever performs a pilgrimage without committing any reprehensible act, then he will return home with purified soul just as he came recently into the world.

The Hajj Reward Is Paradise
An Umrah absolves the sins committed while precedes it, and an accepted pilgrimage has no other compensation than heaven. Allah clearly said in Quran that the Hajj reward is paradise. So, if a person is sufficiently strong that is financially or physically, then he must able to fulfil their religious duty.

Final Verdict:
The Hajj reward is 700 times higher than our thinking. So, it must be obliged that those who believed in Allah and wished to perform their Hajj pilgrimage once in their lifetime then Allah will enhance their reward. If you want to fulfil the Hajj obligation, then consider Cheaphajjpackages.org and book your Cheap Hajj Package Deals before the journey.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Meaning of Hajj

Hajj in Islamic sense is a way worship performed in the month of Dhul-Hijjah within the limitation of some religious duties according to the set rules and regulations. And they are done in Ka’ba, Arafat, Muzdalifa, and Mina.
Importance of Hajj
Muslims living in the world is not as much important as life after death. And the Day of Judgment is the biggest day in one’s eternal life. The goal of life is to succeed there and Hajj is the platform where one can remember hereafter. There are symbolic meanings of many things which are used during Hajj. For instance, the white clothes remind them of the death that they have to leave all worldly possessions and starts the journey towards Allah. In addition to this when Muslims gather, while performing hajj it reminds them of the Day of Judgment and they are accounted for their deeds from Allah. They seek forgiveness and mercy from Allah. Hajj is a platform where all Muslims unite together regardless of colour, culture, background, and languages. It is unity among diverse people of the world and it gives us a chance to feel the problems of each other and hajj creates equality among the people as they wear only white cloth while performing Hajj. However, Muslims are known by their deeds and Hajj is one of the greatest activities in life. And hence, every person in life has a great wish to perform Hajj at least one time in their life.
We offer the best Hajj Packages for the UK
To get this wish and perform a Hajj, our company is offering best hajj packages for you and your family. We are a reliable and excellent Hajj services provider who is in the business from a lot of years and satisfied thousands of Hajis throughout these years. Our aim is to provide the best possible service to Hajis during the whole journey of Hajj. Hajj is a set of religious activities and is one of the five pillars of Islam. It represents one of the peak experiences in the life of a Muslim and gives a lot of important lessons to the Muslims.
Join us quickly

Do not delay any further because we are here to help you and to assure you about our packages. By keeping into account all the benefits of Hajj we offer you a great package to go to Makkah to perform Hajj. Our company is serving the guests of Allah. Those who are on the way of ALLAH then ALLAH is always with them. You have just scheduled to depart from your home to the virtuous and malevolent expedition of Hajj and you are more puzzled and hesitant about what to do? Here we have a solution for all your worries and we provide you with the best package for Hajj. As it leads you to go from darkness to light and give brightens your life. We can guarantee you that you have chosen the Cheap Package for Hajj and you will never feel sorry for choosing this package. All of our Hajj packages appeal a lot of people and as every year millions of people leave to perform Hajj. However, we consider all kind of people coming from different background and social class of the UK. Do not delay to click the button and get ready to go to your destination place and have blessings of Allah.